Functions of Iron
Oxygen storage and transport – Iron is a key component of hemoglobin and myoglobin, two proteins involved in the transport and storage of oxygen in the body. The role of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body, and myoglobin functions to transport and store oxygen temporarily in the cells of working muscle.
Energy Production – Iron is needed for the activation of a key enzyme known as aconitase. This enzyme is required for efficient energy production from the breakdown of food. When we don’t get enough iron, many parts of our bodies will be affected. Symptoms of insufficient iron intake may include general fatigue, muscle fatigue, headache, irritability, decreased general health and wellbeing, and reduced endurance capacity during exercise. Low iron intake may also affect the immune system function.
Dietary sources of Iron
Dietary iron has two main forms – haem and non‐haem. Sufficient iron can be obtained through the diet by consuming a variety of haem iron‐rich foods such as beef, lamb, chicken and fish. Non‐haem iron is found in plant‐based foods such as beans and lentils, but it isn’t as well absorbed as animal sources. However, consuming vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables at the same meal, or at the same time can enhance non-haem iron absorption. An iron supplement might be beneficial for those with greater iron needs such as pregnant and lactating women, or for those with inadequate iron intakes such as some vegans and vegetarians.
A healthy body maintains an intricate balance of iron. If iron stores are high, the body will absorb less iron from the foods you eat. Conversely, if iron stores are low it will increase your ability to absorb it.